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About Us

About us.

Hi! My name is Zuri and I’m the creator of KANDELAK., which means candles in Basque, the language of the Basque Country where I’m originally from.

KANDELAK. is the combination of two of my passions – wellbeing and creating with my hands. An idea that started during lockdown, when I embarked on my YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) and delved into the subtle body and the Five Element system as a way to understand myself better but also the cycles we go through in connection with what surrounds us and how to best flow with them in harmony. In Chinese philosophy, the Five Elements are the building blocks of everything in the Universe.

This concept really resonated with me and that combined with heaps of bursting creativity, as a result of spending too much time indoors, brought me to start working on KANDELAK.

I strongly believe in self-care as a healer and in the need to connect to something bigger than us in order to live a full life so burning a KANDELAK. with intention while meditating, bathing, practising yoga or doing any other activity you enjoy, can assist with that. It definitely helps me connect and I really hope it’ll help you too!

My little furry helper, Julieta, aka Quality Surveyor, is always willing to lend a helping paw and likes keeping an eye on things. KANDELAK. wouldn’t be the same without her, although things would probably get done quicker!

Thanks for visiting!

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